MVHS Testing Information

Spring 2025 Schedules for SOL and IB Assessments.

Click the title to expand the list to show all upcoming testing dates.

IB students must sit for all components of the course's externally moderated examinations unless the student is seriously ill or there is a death in the immediate family; in these cases, the student must provide appropriate documentation to the IBO as exams must be taken within 24 hours of the original start time; no make-up exams are offered.

Spring SOL Testing Schedule - Spring 2025

MVHS SOL Testing Schedule (April & May 2025)

DateScheduled Subject/Assessment
April 22, 2025Term Graduates - Non Writing End of Course Paper Tests (1st Attempt)
April 23, 2025Term Graduates - Non Writing End of Course Paper Tests (1st Attempt)
April 24, 2025Term Graduates - Non Writing End of Course Paper Tests (1st Attempt)
April 25, 2025Term Graduates - Non Writing End of Course Paper Tests (1st Attempt)
April 28, 2025Underclassmen Non Writing End of Course Paper Tests (1st Attempt)
April 29, 2025Underclassmen Non Writing End of Course Paper Tests (1st Attempt)
April 30, 2025Underclassmen Non Writing End of Course Paper Tests (1st Attempt)
May 1, 2025Underclassmen Non Writing End of Course Paper Tests (1st Attempt)
History SOL (if needed)
May 2, 2025History SOL Make-ups (if needed) and Underclassmen Paper Test Make-ups
(if needed)
May 5, 2025Reading SOL
May 6, 2025Geometry, Algebra 2 and some Algebra 1 SOLs (check schedule)
May 7, 2025Chemistry, Earth Science and some Algebra 1 SOLs (check schedule)
May 8, 2025Biology SOL - Day 1
May 9, 2025Biology SOL - Day 2
May 12, 2025SOL Make-up Testing and Term Graduates (2nd Attempt)
May 13, 2025SOL Make-up Testing and Term Graduates (2nd Attempt)
May 14, 2025SOL Make-up Testing and Term Graduates (2nd Attempt)
May 15, 2025SOL Make-up Testing and Term Graduates (2nd Attempt)
May 16, 2025SOL Make-up Testing and Term Graduates (2nd Attempt)
May 19, 2025SOL Make-up Testing and Term Graduates (3rd Attempt if needed)
May 20, 2025SOL Make-up Testing and Term Graduates (3rd Attempt if needed)
May 21, 2025SOL Make-up Testing and Term Graduates (3rd Attempt if needed)
May 22, 2025SOL Make-up Testing and Term Graduates (3rd Attempt if needed)
May 23, 2025History Retakes for Underclassmen and Term Graduates (3rd Attempt if needed)
May 26, 2025All FCPS Schools closed for Memorial Day holiday
May 27, 2025Reading Retakes for Underclassmen and Term Graduates (4th Attempt if needed)
May 28, 2025Math Retakes for Underclassmen and Term Graduates (4th Attempt if needed)
May 29, 2025Science Retakes for Underclassmen and Term Graduates (4th Attempt if needed)
May 30, 2025Retake Make-up Testing for Underclassmen and Term Graduates (4th Attempt if needed)

IB Testing Schedule - Spring 2025

IB Testing Schedule (April & May 2025)

Exam DateExam TimeSubject & LevelComponentExam Length
Tuesday April 29, 202512:30 p.m.Physics HLPaper One120 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Physics SLPaper One90 minutes
Wednesday April 30, 20258:30 a.m.Physics HLPaper Two150 minutes
 8:30 a.m.Physics SLPaper Two90 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Business Management HLPaper One90 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Business Management HLPaper Three75 minutes
 12:30 p.m. Business Management SLPaper One90 minutes
Friday May 2, 20258:30 a.m.Business Management HL Paper Two105 minutes
 8:30 a.m.Business Management SLPaper Two90 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Environmental Systems and Societies SLPaper One60 minutes
Monday May 5, 20258:30 a.m.Environmental Systems and Societies SLPaper Two120 minutes
 12:30 p.m.History HLPaper One60 minutes
 12:30 p.m.History HLPaper Two90 minutes
 12:30 p.m.History SLPaper One60 minutes
 12:30 p.m.History SLPaper Two90 minutes
Tuesday May 6, 20258:30 a.m.History HLPaper Three150 minutes
Wednesday May 7, 202512:30 p.m.Psychology SLPaper One120 minutes
Thursday May 8, 20258:30 a.m.Psychology SL Paper Two60 minutes
 12:30 p.m.English A (LAL) HLPaper One135 minutes
Friday May 9, 20258:30 a.m.English A (LAL) HLPaper Two105 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Geography SLPaper One90 minutes
Monday May 12, 20258:30 a.m.Geography SL Paper Two75 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Biology HLPaper One120 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Biology SLPaper One90 minutes
Tuesday May 13, 20258:30 a.m.Biology HLPaper Two150 minutes
 8:30 a.m.Biology SLPaper Two90 minutes
Wednesday May 14, 202512:30 p.m.Spanish A (LAL) HLPaper One135 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Spanish A (LAL) SLPaper One75 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Spanish AB. SLPaper One60 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Spanish AB. SLPaper Two
60 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Spanish B HLPaper One90 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Spanish B HLPaper Two
60 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Spanish B SLPaper One75 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Spanish B SLPaper Two
60 minutes
Thursday May 15, 20258:30 a.m.Spanish A (LAL) HLPaper Two105 minutes
 8:30 a.m.Spanish A (LAL) SLPaper Two105 minutes
 8:30 a.m.Spanish AB SLPaper Two
45 minutes
 8:30 a.m.Spanish B HLPaper Two
60 minutes
 8:30 a.m.Spanish B SLPaper Two 
45 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Math Analysis HLPaper One 120 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Math Apps SLPaper One90 minutes
Friday May 16, 20258:30 a.m.Math Analysis HLPaper Two120 minutes
 8:30 a.m.Math Apps SLPaper Two90 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Chemistry HLPaper One120 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Chemistry SLPaper One90 minutes
Monday May 19, 20258:30 a.m.Chemistry HLPaper Two150 minutes
 8:30 a.m.Chemistry SLPaper Two90 minutes
Tuesday May 20, 202512:30 p.m.French B HLPaper One90 minutes
 12:30 p.m.French B HLPaper Two
60 minutes
 12:30 p.m.French B SLPaper One75 minutes
 12:30 p.m.French B SLPaper Two
60 minutes
Wednesday May 21, 20258:30 a.m.French B HLPaper Two
60 minutes
 8:30 a.m.French B SLPaper Two
45 minutes
 12:30 p.m.Math Analysis HLPaper Three75 minutes