2024-2025 School Innovation and Improvement (SIIP) Plan

Outcome goals for this academic school year

2024-2025 SIIP At a Glance

Mount Vernon High School

Region 3

Cary Dimmick, Principal

Area: College and Career Readiness

Goal #1:

  • By the end of SY 24-25, 85% of Cohort 2025 will have successfully completed one of the indicators needed for the College, Career and Civic Readiness Index (CCCRI). The CCCRI indicators include completing an AP/DE or IB course, finishing a Career and Technical Education (CTE) completer and passing a credentialing exam (including JROTC and the ASVAB) or participation in a High-Quality Work-Based Learning (HQWBL) experience.

Strategy 1:

  • Designate and optimize a CCCRI team (can be combined with the graduation team) focused on analyzing, tracking, and monitoring student data relating to students' successful progress and completion of CCCRI and graduation requirements with high frequency.

Strategy 2:

  • Embed HQWBL and Service-Learning Experiences into content courses and ensure teachers have training for capturing those experiences in the gradebook. *For the current cohort, it is especially important to include an HQWBL Service-Learning Experience into a course that 12th grade students who have not yet met CCCRI are taking (i.e. English 12 or Government, as appropriate). For future planning, embed HQWBL and Service Learning into earlier grade levels.

Strategy 3:

  • Educate students, families, staff and community around various pathways to graduation and completion and postsecondary options and importance of CCCRI experiences (for example, alternate diploma and completer options, alternate sites, available base-school adjustments, GED, etc.).

Added Strategy:

  • Enroll selected students in SDV 100, a Dual Enrollment course to support transitions to college and access to rigor for all.

Area: Mathematics

Goal #2:

  • By the end of the 2025 school year, Students with Disabilities (SWD) will improve their overall SOL pass rate in math 10+%.

Strategy 1:

  • Using the Engagement Model for classroom instruction to support Tier 1 interventions.

Strategy 2:

  • Increase teacher's implementation of strategies and conversation structures that increase academic talk between students during return periods.

Strategy 3:

  • Increase formal collaboration between classroom teachers and SPED teachers to develop the language of mathematics through the use of embedded strategies during whole group and small group instruction.


Area: Science

Goal #3:

  • On the Spring 2025 Science SOL tests, MVHS students will accomplish a pass rate of over 70%. Additionally, all students will demonstrate a mastery-level on both the Formative and Summative assessments throughout the year - as defined by 70% or higher - to include the quarterly benchmark assessment delivered by the county. 

Strategy 1:

  • Increase opportunities for students to develop and apply disciplinary literacy skills of reading, writing, critical thinking, and discourse.

Strategy 2:

  • Expand the type and frequency of formative assessments to evaluate progress throughout units and lessons, such as exit tickets, four corners, whiteboards, stoplight reflection.

Strategy 3:

  • Increase opportunities for English Language Development through use of embedded strategies during whole group instruction and intentional small group instruction focused on specific student needs.