Virginia PTA Names Dr. Terrell Power Partner Principal of the Year

Principal Honored for Strong Family-School Partnership

By Staff
September 10, 2019

Anthony Terrell, principal of Mount Vernon High School, has been named the winner of the 2019 Virginia Parent-Teacher Association’s (PTA) Power Partner Principal of the Year. The award is given to a secondary principal who has shown that a strong family-school partnership is key to student success. Dr. Terrell was named the winner of the award for the Northern Virginia region.

Dr. Terrell was nominated by the Mount Vernon High School Parent-Teacher Student Association (PTSA) and is described as having “a collaborative leadership style, empowering others to take initiative but being hands-on and commanding when situations require it.” He has helped PTSA membership totals grow by inviting teachers and staff to join, and by allowing the group to speak at faculty meetings and many events planned for parents and the community.

Dr. Terrell is regularly on campus after school to support students in their extra-curricular activities, and his support and leadership was instrumental in the planning and success of a PTSA-led science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) event at the school for students, families, and the community.